Posted in Teaching

【英語教學】龍騰第三冊第一課What’s in a name?

  • Teaching goals:
  1. Students can reflect on the meaning and the origin of their names.
  2. Students can learn to use some of the transitional words.
  • Reflections:
  1. I emphasized too much on writing and didn’t allow the students to share their stories orally.
  2. I didn’t think about the competence/skills to be cultivated before making the handout.
Posted in Teaching

【英語教學】Reflections on my teaching

  1. Even though I started to shift the focus in the classroom: from myself (the teacher) to the students, it is still difficult to involve every student in learning. Some students are too lazy to use their brains and refuse to cooperate, either in groups or alone.
  2. Activities are not a panacea: I should have in mind “what skills students are expected to acquire” before planning any activity, not the other way around.
  3. Keep students busy, but in a meaningful context. Always bear in mind the “BIG IDEAS”.
Posted in Teaching


已經用了這個軟體一個學期了,可以來分享一下心得。Seesaw是一個線上的Learning Journal,學生可以用它來上傳照片、錄製影片、繪畫、打字或附加檔案。也就是說,把它視為一個「交作業」的平台還蠻好用的。以下簡述一下它的優缺點。


  1. 可以掌握學生交作業的時間點。
  2. 學生可以看到彼此的作業,也可以按讚和留言。
  3. 學生可以輕易檢視自己的學習歷程。
  4. 提供多元的功能選擇,對學英文來說,output的speaking和writing都可以透過這軟體進行評量,評量方式也更多元。
  5. 學生作業可以作有系統的分類。
  6. 看起來很炫(這對我來說蠻重要的,我超膚淺)。


  1. 雖然主打learning journal,但學生無法封存或下載自己的全部資料有點不便,在高三要寫學習檔案時較難派得上用場。
  2. 學生若是用手機登入,必須得下載APP才能上傳資料(教師則不必),對沒有網路可用、或是手機無足夠空間的學生來說是個難題。
  3. 沒有強大的數據統計功能,若想要為作業評分或登記缺交,必須另外自己統計,軟體無此功能。(這也是我為什麼後來變心又去用別的網站~但Seesaw也是持續有在用就是了)如果只是要收不需要「打分數」的作業,是還蠻推薦的!
  4. 若作業是文章,無法做出像是WORD的「追蹤修訂」,所以不適合用來收作文。老師只能直接修改內容而已。若能改善應該對英文老師來說會更好用!


